January 11, 2017

Continuing revision of BASKETBALL BALLERINA. Must have a new middle grade story line for Travis Anselmo of FLIES IN THE OUTFIELD. Working through SHE SHOULD HAVE TOLD with writers group.

Lily’s Lagniappe: This time of the year in North Carolina has very little sunlight. Today however is sunny and bright. Thank God!


January 9, 2017

The chapter book and query letter are off into agent’s email. Let’s hope it is something he likes. If I need to write more for a series of these books then I will. I am hopeful and will wait patiently. In the mean time I am working on another middle grade novel BASKETBALL BALLERINA. I am hopeful about this one too!

Lily’s Lagniappe: Well I really never wanted but I got a birthday surprise like no other, a yard full of SNOW! Still snowed in but hopefully getting mobile again today.


January 7, 2017

Finished revision of FLIES IN THE OUTFIELD. Need to craft letter to agent and send it as requested material. Hopefully he will like it.

Lily’s Lagniappe: Today is my birthday and we got 8 to 10 inches of snow. Beautiful but overwhelming.


January 5, 2017

Revised FLIES IN THE OUTFIELD.  Now formulating the Query letter for the agent. Hoping to attract his attention. Now to get busy writing it.

Lily’s Lagniappe: Dad flew back to warm Tucson today. I’m in the frigid North Carolina foothills. 38 degrees at the time and the low tonight is 32 or lower. Snow heading in tomorrow night. Need to go to store tomorrow.


January 3, 2017

Revising and revisiting several MG novels I have finished and are still revising. PB and YA novel revising. Need to put together a new MG novel and YA novel (BBQ the Boob Squad).

Lily’s Lagniappe: well another year. It has started off with a bang. A storm named Helena. Possible Snow on the weekend but for today milder temps. Need to really pay attention to things. Looking forward to seeing Brooks and Cherish on the 13th.


January 1, 2017

Still thinking about high interest low vocabulary for non-fiction series. Maybe an interactive series. Where the child determines where they go from page to page. Revising still PB, MG and YA novels.

Lily’s Lagniappe: Safe, healthy and prosperous New Year!


December 31, 2016

Brooks and I read some nonfiction books this week. He loved the pictures and not so much the words. So I am thinking a new way to present info about animals or plants that make it interesting for kids that don’t read well.

Lily’s Lagniappe: New Year’a Eve all over the world. Be kind, be patient and be positive.
