May 9, 2016

Still revising my YA novel. I do it by pencil to paper then I type it into my computer. This is my process. Others use only a computer. I need the lead to paper version. My first  draft is hand written.

Lily’s Lagniappe: The summer has begun in Hickory. Sticky today but it will only last a day. Windy for the rest of the week is predicted.


May 7, 2016

Changing the set up of my YA novel and loving the new focus. My MC is becoming more complex and the plot lines are stronger and richer.

Lily’s Lagniappe: The flowers in my yard are just beautiful. If I could figure out how to upload I would post a picture.


May 3, 2016

Doing NaPiBoWriWee this week. Not familiar with this one well it’s write a picture book manuscript a day for a week. I have one and half and I need three and half more before Friday. Also revising YA novel, that is an interesting shifting of a mindset going from very small children to the more sophisticated teenager of today. That was a unique re-visioning of each project.

Lily’s Lagniappe: The flowers here in spring are in full bloom. I loved the purple and yellow bearded irises in my front yard and roses of red and yellow. My dwarf azalea’s bloom for barely ten days. I really miss the huge full azalea blossoms in Louisiana and the enormous bushes they grow on for the whole summer. (SIGH)


May 1, 2016

The revision continues and I really love the way things are developing. Love the new fleshed out MC and the plot lines that have been made stronger.

Working on NaPiBoWriWee and it is pushing your brain to stay engaged. Hope I an get seven picture book manuscripts in a week.

Lily’s Lagniappe: Unsteady weather in the mid west and southeastern states, please be careful and stay safe.
